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Top Ten Beach Trip Essentials for Your Dogs - Puppy Chewing Stick on the Beach - The Pets Larder Natural Pet Shop

Top Ten Beach Trip Essentials for Your Dogs

With summer just around the corner and the promise of sandy picnics, waves lapping at our toes and perfect promenades on the seafront, we thought it was about time we made a list of seaside essentials, to ensure you are properly packed when you and your dogs take a trip to the beach. 

Most dogs absolutely adore a trip to the sand and sea, and with a plethora of new smells, ocean swims and copious amounts of space to run around in, why wouldn't they?

However, it is extremely important to make sure you are prepared for a trip to the beach with your canine companions, as having to cut any beach trip short is always heartbreaking. It is also essential to make sure your dog is properly protected when enjoying the summer sun on a sandy seaside excursion, so they are kept as healthy and happy as can be, no matter the destination. 

Beach Essentials for Dogs 

In today’s post, we will be advising on the preparations you should make when you are planning on an exciting excursion to the seaside and highlighting some of the things that can make it a bit more fun for our furry friends too.

Dogs on a beach trip

Our Top Ten Beach Trip Essentials for Dogs

Fresh Water

The single most important thing to take on any excursion you are taking with your canine companions is a good supply of clean, fresh water. Use a large recyclable, or reusable, bottle and one of your dog's favourite bowls so they always have a drink available on those warm days frolicking on the beach. 


As a dog owner, you will know that where there is water, there are wet dogs! And as such, towels are always an essential item to pack. Towels are also super handy as beach blankets for your four-legged friends, as well as being a perfect car seat cover, enabling one to avoid the smell of wet dogs for weeks after your excursion!


Dogs often struggle to keep their temperature controlled, making shade a necessity for any trip that will include time in the sun. If your planned seaside destination is devoid of obvious shade, why not take an umbrella or pop-up tent so your dog always has somewhere to escape the sun’s rays. 


As with us humans, dogs can be affected by sunburn and more serious problems linked to over-exposure to the sun. Hairless dogs and dogs with white or thin coats are particularly at risk. The simple solution to this is to invest in some dog-friendly sunscreen, which is widely available at most veterinary practices. For more info on dogs and sunscreen, see the article from the American Kennel Club Below. 

Do Dogs Need Sunscreen? - AKC>


Making sure your dog has its collar identification tag securely attached and that they have been chipped is essential before you go anywhere your dog is not familiar with, to avoid the unthinkable. 

Paw Balm

Paw balms are the perfect way to keep your dog's sensitive pads protected from hot and gritty surfaces. Balms can also be used to moisturise dry noses, skin and other dry patches after your beach trip. 

Water Toys

Keeping your dog properly entertained is always a good idea when at the beach, even if it’s just to stop them pinching other people's picnics! At The Pets Larder, we have a wealth of toys that are specifically made with water play in mind, perfect for those games of fetch by the sea.

Chuckit bumper dog water toy

Treats and Snacks

As with most trips away from home with your dogs, it is always advisable to bring a good supply of tasty treats. Firstly, to ensure your dog has enough snacks and that they don't go hungry and, secondly, in case of needing a bribe to help keep them under control in a new and exciting place. For all of your all-natural treats/bribes, get down to The Pets Larder, in-store or online, and see our superb selection for yourself. 

Get the Best of All-Natural Dog Treats Here>

Poo Bags

Cleaning up after yourself, although not glamorous, is a must. Dog faeces can be extremely toxic to wildlife and is also extremely unpleasant on a beach where most of us will be shoe-free. 

Top Ten Beach Trip Essentials for Your Dogs

First Aid Kit

Last, but by no means least, on our list, is a doggy first aid kit. As a dog owner, it is always a good idea to put together a basic first aid kit for your furry friends if you are venturing away from home. A few simple items will make a small calamity feel a lot easier to deal with and potentially prevent something small from becoming catastrophic. To find out how to put together a basic first aid kit for your furry friends, have a look at the article from Blue Cross below.

See Basic First Aid For Dogs From Blue Cross Here>

So this summer, when you’re planning your beach days and preparing your picnics and other accoutrements, don't forget to pack for your pooches too, keeping them safe, happy and healthy whatever the weather and seaside destination. 

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