Complete raw venison dog food
Exquisitely crafted from the finest whole food ingredients to be nutritionally complete to fediaf guidelines, containing everything your dog needs for a balanced diet.
In keeping with all the Naturaw values you have come to expect. High welfare, human grade cuts of British meat, combined with a small amount of vitamin rich whole Atlantic mackerel. Along with carefully selected and impeccably sourced fruit, vegetables and botanicals, each added for a purpose. We focus on British, organic & sustainably sourced ingredients from closer to home over cheaper mass-produced ones from further afield, and not a single synthetic addition.
British Venison Meat with Bone 65.5%, British Lamb Heart 10.7%, British Lamb Liver 7.2%, Sustainably Caught Atlantic Mackerel 6.59%, Organic Broccoli 2.92%, Whole Blackberries 1.88%, Organic British Egg 1.88%, Organic Kale 1.04%, Sustainably Hand-Harvested Organic Scottish Seaweed 0.7%, Wheatgrass 0.34%, Organic Pumpkin Seeds 0.34%, Organic Hemp Seeds 0.34%, Sustainably Sourced Scandinavian Blue Mussel (MSC Certified) 0.1%, Cleavers 0.1%, Nettles 0.1%, Pure Yorkshire Sea Salt 0.1%.
Note – This product may contain shot
Analytical Constituents /per 100g
Moisture 67.5 / protein 18.95 / fat content
9.99 / crude fibre 1.7 / crude ash 3.06 / calories 151 / ca:p ratio 1.17:1